The Top 16 Plays Shakespeare Chose Not to Publish

16. Christopher Marlowe Can Kiss My Elizabethan Ass

15. Henry VIII, I Am, I Am

14. Fast Times at Verona High

13. A Midsummer Night's Nocturnal Emission

12. Om'let

11. Love's Fing'r Pulled

10. Romeo & Steve

09. Twelfth Night, Children Stay Free

08. Felines

07. Henry VIII was a Big Fat Idiot

06. Six Degrees of Francis Bacon

05. Stratford-upon-Avon 90210

04. Hamlet II - Where the hell is everybody?

03. Romeo & Michelle's High School Reunion

02. King Gump

and the Number 1 Play Shakespeare Chose Not to Publish...

01. Booty Calleth

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