Dr. Stull's Donut-Diet Exercise Program, By William T. Stull

I'm sure you're all familiar with Dr. Stull's famous "Donut Diet." The Donut-Diet Exercise Regimen will have you looking different in no time.

Other fitness gurus say that if you really want to get in shape, there are all sorts of ways of doing it with little or no investment:

How boring! Dr. Stull has a better plan and it's a lot more fun, if not actually *better* for you. Just perform the very same activities the boring exercise people advise -- *with* Dr. Stull's modifications ...

1. Walking: To the refrigerator. Build your biceps by opening and closing the door really fast. See if you can beat the light.

Bend at the waist and try to see what's on the bottom shelf. Repeat until the Haagen-Daaz is slightly soft.

2. Dancing (around the truth): Your spouse makes you wear striped blouses/shirts so he/she can tell whether you're walking (see above) or rolling.

3. Lifting heavy objects: How about that fat a** you're always hauling around? It's pretty heavy. (No ma'am, I was not necessarily referring to your husband.)

4. Knee bends? Elbow bends are a lot easier and a lot more nutritious. Just get a plate of linguini and a Diet Coke. No huffing & puffing here -- and it tastes better!

5. Doing Aerobics? Get real! The Food Channel has a set of videos from the Cordon Bleu Cooking School that are a lot more practical. Your friends might enjoy a fine meal, but I'm pretty sure they won't be asking you to do squat-thrusts in a lime green leotard for entertainment at their next party.

Send your questions on weight control and fitness to Dr. Stull!

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