The Second Amendment does not grant us the right to bear arms.
The Second Amendment denies the government the authority to infringe upon our right to bear arms!

God gave his Arch Angels weapons because even the Almighty knew you don't fight evil with tolerance and understanding.

The Second Amendment wasn't intended to guarantee your safety. It was intended to guarantee your ability to fight back!

After you disarm ALL the criminals, I might consider disarming law abiding citizens.

United We Stand.
Disarmed we fall.

How do you vote out a government that wasn't voted in?
That's what the 2nd amendment is for.

Mass Shooters
Registered Democrats NRA Members
Orlando shooter
Charleston Church shooter
Columbine shooters (all parents)
Virginia Tech shooter
Colorado Theater shooter
Connecticut School shooter
Congresswoman Gifford's shooter

We defend our President --------- with guns
We defend our Congressmen ----- with guns
We defend our Governors -------- with guns
We defend our celebrities --------- with guns
We defend our sporting events ---- with guns
We defend our jewelry stores ----- with guns
We defend our banks ------------- with guns
We defend our office buildings ---- with guns
We defend our factories ---------- with guns
We defend our courts ------------- with guns
We defend our children ----------- with gun free zone signs
And then call someone with a gun if there's an emergency.

Gun Ownership
Honduras Switzerland
Population 8.2 million 8.2 million
guns ban gun ownership require gun ownership
homicide rate highest in the world lowest in the world

Stop Using Anti-Gun Language
Instead of: Say:
common sense gun laws I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about
weapons of war I regurgitate scary terms and am incapable of original thought
Red Flag Laws I love a fascist Police State
Gun Show Loophole free enterprise between two consenting adults should be outlawed
gun deaths I cherry pick statistics that confrom to my narrative

- David Hogg
Remind me
How many AR-15s did Jesus own?
- Britton Wolf
Not enough to avoid being murdered by his government.

Make your guns totally invisible to the government by wrapping them in Epstein Client List.

If I use an AR-15 to stop someone from attacking me, doesn't that make it an anti-assault rifle?

If I use an AR-15 to stop someone from attacking me, doesn't that make it an anti-assault rifle?

If anyone tells you in this country guns have more rights than trans people do, tell them I can't cut the barrel off my gun.

Please explain to me how banning abortion will lead to people "getting abortions illegally" but banning guns will lead to ending gun crimes.

I like my tamales the way I like machine guns, homemade, sold out of the back of a trunk in a parking lot and without the government knowing.

First rule of gun safety. Never let the government take your guns.

Teacher: Write 100 times "guns kill people."
Student: People can't write ... only pens an..

Shroinger's Gun
Simultaneously usless against the military and a "weapon of war that no civilian should own."

The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world.
If you remove:
#1 Chicago
#2 Detroit
#3 Washington DC
#4 St. Louis
#5 New Orleans
the United States is then 189th out of 193 countries in the entire world.
PS. All 5 cities have strict Gun Control Laws.

Remember when the colonists stood in line to register their muskets?
Me nither.

Q: What's the difference between woke SJWs and guns?
A: Guns only have one trigger

I prefer my guns the way Biden prefers his voters:
undocumented and untraceable.

We must ban guns because banning murder didn't work.

Liberals blame guns.
Conservatives blame criminals.

A well tailored suit, being necessary to a sharp dressed man, the right of the people to keep and wear clothing, shall not be infringed.
Who has the right to keep and wear clothing?
A) the well tailored suit
B) The people
C) No one
D) The police

There's no such thing as "Government-Funded."
It's all "Taxpayer-Funded."

The left wants us to fill out paperwork and submit our entire life history in order to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights...
but showing I.D. to vote is suppression.

I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.

Clint Eastwood made 15 westerns and never killed a cameraman.

Magazine limitations:
If you need 30 rounds to hunt, you must suck at hunting.
If you need a disarmed society to govern, you must suck at governing.

Well, if a guy can keep his dingus and identify as a woman, then I can keep my gun and identify as unarmed.

I reject the belief that I must be defenseless in order for you to feel safe.

Women want the same rights as guns
- must be locked up when not in use
- banned from air travel
- banned from public schools
- banned from government buildings
- businesses allowed to post "No Women Allowed" signs
- banned from New York, Chicago and Washington D.C.
- restricted in Hawaii and California
- banned where alcohol is allowed
- carrying a woman requires a special permit
- women can't be carried openly
- women are prohibited from having certain popular cosmetic accessories
- a man can own multiple women, but only after a background check

In God We trust.
Guns are just backup.

You're not for women's rights if you want to strip them of their right to self defense.

To all those yammering for gun confiscation:
Go get the guns from the criminals.
You know, as a test run.

People killed with rifles in 2020 454 SOURCE: FBI Crime Report
Covid Vaccine deaths in 2021 20,622 SOURCE:

Spoiler Alert:
If "mass shootings" appear eveery time your government wants to move to the next stage of public disarmament, your government is behind the "mass shootings".

YAHOO! Answers
Is the daisy powerline 856 good for squirrels?
No, it is too long to hide in their nest and the trigger is too far forward for their paws to be able to hold and fire at the same time.
Most of the squirrels in my hood just carry a , small handgun, like a Glock 26 or 27.
Hope this helps.

You might not need 30 rounds to hunt animals.
But if you're hunting communists, pedophiles, terrorists, tyrants or just need to protect yourself and others why stop at 30 round?

Stop arson.
Ban semi-automatic matches (cigarette lighters).

You say you want to confiscate guns?
How about taking them from criminals? You know, like a test run?

What's the difference between a gun and a whiney liberal?
A gun only has one trigger.

Liberal Logic:
Gun free Chicago has a gun crime problem because everyone gets their guns from Indiana.
Indiana does NOT have a gun crime problem since the only people buying guns are coming from Chicago.

The founding fathers wrote arms, not muskets.

The men who wrote the second amendment did not just finish a hunting trip.
They just finished liberating a nation.

The NRA. The only organization in America that gets blamed for actions none of its members commit.

Liberal: Thoughts and prayers won't solve a shooting problem.
Conservative: Neither will gun control.

Will you look at that.
The man who accidentally left 300,000 guns for the Taliban to use against us is lecturing us on gun control.

911 female caller: Please help me! Someone broke into my home. They have a gun.
Police operator: Ma'am, that's quite impossible. Those have been banned.

When an individual tried to kill a bunch of Republican Congressional softball players with a rifle,
Not one Democrat called for Gun Control!

First they came for the red meat, and I didn't speak out because I don't eat meat.
Then they came for my guns, and I did not speak out because I don't have guns.
Finally they came for my beer, Those morons actually believed I didn't have any guns!

Why does the government want to disarm law-abiding citizens, but it treats armed criminals with kid gloves?
Criminals mainly shoot citizens, but armed citizens might shoot at the government.

It's not gun control, it's victim disarmament.

I'm from the government and I'm here to buy your guns with your money.
Sorry. I can't sell them to you. You didn't pass my background check with your history of mass murder and violence. But you have a nice day.

The US government has been arming Ukraine, because they're allies.
The US government has been seeking to disarm Russia, because they're opponents.
In totally unrelated news, the US government seeks to disarm you.
- RealSpikeCohen

I reject the assertion that my family and I must be made defenseless for you and yours to feel safe.
My view on "Gun Control" made simple.

How many times do we need to see defenseless people die before we realize being defensless isn't the answer?

If you want gun control so bad, why don't you just move to the south side of Chicago?

Nobody is trying to take your guns!
We only want to make you register them, restrict transfers, ban certain guns, limit magazine capacity, prohibit carrying them, ban or limit ammo, make other arbitrary laws, and if we catch you violating any of these made-up rules, throw you in prison.
At which point we will take your guns!

Hickory dickory dock.
The mouse pulled out a glock.

You don't see mass shootings at:
- Bass Pro/Cabellas Stores
- NRA meetings
- gun ranges
- gunshows / stores
- police stations
You do see mass shootings at:
- gun free schools
- gun free colleges
- gun free theaters
- states with strict gun laws
- countries with strict gun laws
Is it making sense yet?

After they took their guns away
Castro Murdered 100,000 Unarmed Citizens
Hitler Murdered 6 Million Unarmed Citizens
Stalin Murdered 50 Million Unarmed Citizens
Mao murdered 60 Million Unarmed Citizens

A well balanced breakfast, being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed.
Who has the right to food? A well balanced breakfast, or WE THE PEOPLE?
- Rodney R. Lilly III%Z Lyndon IL

1. An assailant is just a clump of cells
2. No one has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body
3. A gun is essential for gender equality
4. A gun is often the only way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy
5. A woman's right to life is greater than any assailant's

Let's talk about gun control.
or restricting firearms is the most white privileged idea ever.
Rich liberals scoffing at the notion that a person might need to defend their own life is a tower so lvory you can't look at it in direct sunlight.
It's the personal safety equivalent of saying "just have the maid do it."
- Free Thoughts Project.

I think my house is haunted.
Where, exactly, would I find a ghost gun?

If healthcare is a right the government needs to pay for, why doesn't the government need to pay for the Second Amendment right?

How to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers?
Ban sober drivers from driving. That's how gun control works.

America is great because when the entire world tried to bully them into using the metric system they said sure and proceeded to only use it for bullets.

Firearms dealers should be able to sell guns by mail without seeing the buyer or verifying a signature, just like mail-in voting.

If the 1st Amendment applies to the radio, TV and internet; and the 4th Amendment applies to electronic surveillance and video surveillance; then the 2nd Amendment applies to modern weapons.

The 2nd Amendment does not apply to semi-auto rifles, nor does it apply to bolt action rifles, pistols, or revolvers. The 2nd Amendment RESTRICTS GOVERNMENT. The technology of the firearm is irrelevant. The restrictions on government remain the same, regardless of the firearm. The Second Amendment was not written to grant permission for citizens to own and bear firearms. It forbids government interference in the right to keep and bear arms, period. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Only a fool would give up a weapon in order for the government to protect them. The government cannot even stop a telemarketer.

Civil wars happen when the victimized are armed.
Genocide happens when they are not.

Enough debates. just go out and get it already. It protects you, your family and everyone in the community. It's been scientifically, mathematically and statistically proven to make everyone safer. The communities that got them are overwhelmingly safer. The chances of side effects or accidents are so unbelievably small that it's completely absurd to not get one already.
Quit being selfish, quit arguing online and go purchase a firearm.

I stand behind Alec Baldwin.
Because no way in hell I'm standing in front of him.

The Second Amendment exists so citizens can overthrow a tyrannical government ...
like the one trying to change the Second Amendment.

Reminder to set your glocks back to 1776.

Since AR-15s are useless against a government with nukes and F-15s ,,,
It shouldn't matter if people own them.

"Don't blame all illegal immigrants for the heinous crimes of one," said the folks who blame everyone in the NRA for acts committed by people not in it.
- @hale_razor

Homicide victims rarely talk to police.

Make no mistake, every single person in America owns a gun. Some of you just pay a guy across town to hold yours and hope he's available to bring it over when you need to protect your family. I prefer to have mine on my hip. Gun control is less important than trigger control.
- Quills Up

If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. So it's not that you are anti- gun. You'll need the police's guns to take away other people's guns. So you're very Pro-Gun, you just believe that only the Government (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous...) should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions.
- Stefan Molyneux

You said that gun control works.
The death toll in Chicago proves that to be a lie.

In 1990 Joe Biden introduced the Gun-Free School Zones act of 1990.
Since then, 92% of large mass shootings have happened in gun free zones.

Sometimes people die while performing the following activities:
- eating
- drinking
- sleeping
- walking
- resisting arrest
Which one of these activities could you easily avoid to greatly decrease your chance of death?

Them: Why do you always carry a knife?
Me: The last time I tried to open a bag of chips with my 9mm there were problems.

When you come for my guns you're coming for my freedom.
Expect an appropriate response.

My teacher told me guns kill people.
I told her my pencil failed my math exam.

You do realize if Democrats stop shooting people, gun violence would drop by 90%.

If gun control works ... why isn't Chicago the safest place in America?

The only reason the government would have to disarm you after 243 years is ...
because they intend to do something that you would shoot them for.

Liberal: Why do you need a gun?
Conservative: To protect my family.
Liberal: Just call the police.
Conservative: The same police that you want to abolish and defund because they are so racist and incompetent?
Liberal: Lets just get rid of all guns.

Arms change.
Rights don't.

You don't need an AR-15 to kill a deer!
True. But the founders didn't write the 2nd Amendment in case of a deer uprising.

In 2020, there were 287 cases of people dying by putting "foreign objects" in their anus.
This is more people in a single year than people who have been killed by ARs in the last 5 years.
Ban "foreign objects", not ARs.

For the record, if someone is trying to stab me, I'd appreciate you shooting them.

Be careful prying that gun out of my cold dead hands, the barrel is going to be a little hot.

Do Democrats dislike guns because they are black?

Clerk at gun store to customer:
Sir, we don't sell guns here.
Can I interest you in our various cordless hole punchers?

Went to the Temple of the Ammunitionist this weekend with my friends to send some lead prayers down range.
Expended around 400 prayers all together.
Enjoyed the one true trajectory.
Loads of fun was had by all.

C-SPAN: How to Prevent Mass Shootings?
Toni: Make getting a gun as difficult as it is to vote.
Martin: You want them mailed out to everyone?

Liberal: Only government can be trusted with guns.
Conservative: It would take 473,933 years of mass shootings to match what government has done in the last 100 years.

I prefer my guns the way Biden prefers his voters:
undocumented and untraceable.

More people are killed by illegal aliens than in the so-called mass shootings. Why no call for illegal alien controls?
More people are killed by blacks than in these so-called mass shootings. Why no call for black controls?
More people are killed by Muslims than in these so-called mass shootings. Why no call for Muslim controls?
How will gun control stop illegal aliens, blacks or Muslims from murdering people?

When Jim Jones killed 918 people with Kool-Aid we didn't blame the Kool-aid!

If you own a pistol brace you should get a machine gun and rocket launcher.
After the first felony NFA violation the rest are free.

The government is oppressive and can't be trusted to protect our liberty so I own a gun.
The government is fascist but they should confiscate your guns.
The government can protect us even though they're systemically racist.
We need to unify and trust them even though they're systemically racist.

There is no such thing as "Gun violence." It is a fiction.
Guns do three things: They function; they fail, they rust.
Violence lives within the hearts of people.

Why do I "need" to own an AR-15?
Why did Rosa Parks "need" to sit in the front of the bus?
In a free nation, there is NO requirement to show a "need" to exercise a right.

If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore, what he must be taught to fear is his victim.
- Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper, U.S.M.C.

Firearm dealers should be able to sell guns by mail without seeing the buyer or verifying a signature, just like mail-in voting.

Government: How many guns do you own?
Citizen: Great question. We'll need to circle back around on that one.

A gun without a bayonet is pointless.

Gun Control
1934: it's just a tax on machine guns and silencers
1968: it's just a ban on buying guns through the mail
1986: it's just a ban on new machine guns
1989: it's just a ban on importing non-sporting rifles
1993: it's just a background check when you buy a gun from a dealer
1994: it's just a common sense temporary ban on scary guns
2014 & 2017: it's just a ban on importing Russian guns
2021: it's just a common sense permanent ban on the most common guns in America

911, What's your emergency?
I was watching Looney Tunes and Elmer Fudd has a gun.

Liberal Logic:
Upset that 68 people were killed in mass shootings in 2018. Want to ban all guns.
Unconcerned that 2,000 people were murdered by illegal aliens and want to bring in more illegal aliens.

Liberal Logic:
If you outlaw abortions, abortions will just happen illegally,
If you outlaw guns, we will all be safe from gun crime.

Liberal Logic:
Liberals today: America can’t break the Iran Deal! It’s been in place for 2 years!
Liberals every other day: Fuck the Second Amendment, who cares if it’s been around for 200+ years?

Liberal Logic:
Democrats insist that an ID is NOT necessary to vote in person or by mail.
Democrats insist we NEED an ID to buy a gun in person or through the mail.

Liberal Logic:
My AR-15 self identifies as a nerf gun.
Anyone who disagrees is a racist.

Liberal Logic:
Don't call them "Illegal Firearms." Call them "Undocumented Weapons" and let them live in sanctuary homes.

Liberal Logic:
I'm renaming my AR-15 to "undocumented-15" so leftists will give it sanctuary and leave it alone.

Liberal Logic:
Don't think of my guns as illegal, think of them as undocumented.

Liberal Logic:
When Cain killed Abel, there were no calls for rock control, because Democrats didn't exist and everyone knew it wasn't the rock's fault.

Liberal Logic:
If abortion is a right that the government should pay for, then since gun ownership is a right, the government should pay for that.

Liberal Logic:
You ask where the constitution says you have the right to buy an AR-15?
The same pararaph where it says you have a right to a free abortion.

Liberal Logic:
If the second amendment was only for muskets, not AR15s, then the first amendment was only for ink quills and not laptops or cellphones.

Liberal Logic:
If banning even one reporter is a violation of the first amendment ...
... isn't banning even one gun a violation of the second?

Liberal Logic:
Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars.

Liberal Logic:
If guns kill people, how does anyone make it out of a gun show alive?

Liberal Logic:
If guns cause crime, then cameras and cell phones cause pornography.
If guns cause crime, then forks cause obesity.
If guns cause crime, then matches cause fires.

Liberal Logic:
Want to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers?
Ban sober drivers from driving. That's how gun control works.

Liberal Logic:
One minute liberals are saying that cops are hunting young black men and the next they're saying only cops should have guns.

Liberal Logic:
Nine kids die every day from texting and driving.
If banning guns saves lives, then let's ban cell phones and cars.

Liberal Logic:
"No Gun" signs are as effective as "No Speeding" signs, "No Shoplifing" signs and "No Raping" signs.

Liberal Logic:
The ones who have been telling you for 40 years you don't need a gun since you can call the police,
want to defunded the police.

Liberals feel the same way about firearms as they do about wealth.
It's okay for them, but not for you

George Washington didn't use his right to free speech to defeat the British.
He shot them with guns.
Defend the Second.

Politicians perfer unarmed peasants.
Buy a gun, piss off a liberal.

You said the second Amendment was about muskets.
Were you also lying when you said you read the constitution?

In 1966, the city of Orlando responded to a wave of sexual assaults by offering firearms training classes to women·
Rapes dropped by nearly 90% the following year.

The second amendment does not grant us the right to bear arms.
The second amendment denies the government the authority to infringe upon our right to bear arms!

The United States has the 3rd highest murder rate throughout the world.
If you remove
#3-Washington DC
#4-St Louis
#5-New Orleans
the United States is then 189th out of 193 countries in the entire world.
PS-All 5x Cities have STRICT Gun Control Laws

Before you defund the police, you should know I don't own any rubber bullets.

Criminals obey gun laws like politicians obey their oath of office.

The first rule of firearm safety:
Never let the government take your guns.

Guns don't kill people.
Drug cartels armed by our government kill people.

The only reason why the government would want to disarm you after 243 years is because they intend to do something that you would shoot them for.

Ruger is coming out with a new pistol in honor of the Senate and the house of Representatives.
It will be named "The Congressman." It doesn't work, and you can't fire it.

2012 Venezuelans lose right to own firearms.
2016 Venezuelans learn how to eat cats and dogs to keep from starving.
2019 Venezuelans are fired upon by their own soldiers to keep them from receiving humanitian aid.

Criminals don't buy guns at stores.
Criminals don't care about stupid gun laws.
Background checks won't stop them.
Criminals support gun control because they prefer unarmed victims.

Criminals prefer unarmed victims.
Tyrants prefer unarmed citizens.

480,000 Americans died from cigarette smoking in 2017.
In that same year 403 died by rifles, yet Walmart still sells cigarettes.
It's about power, not lost lives.

Last week there were 22,000,000 deer hunters runing around with rifles ... including AR15s, not one mass shooting.

Stastically, you're more likely to die from living under socialism than by an "Assault Rifle."

More men with guns were sent to arrest 66 year old Roger Stone than Clinton and Obama sent to rescue our men in Benghazi.

To all those yammereing for gun confiscation: Take the guns from the criminals. You know, as a test run.

They are not after your guns ... They are after you and your guns are just in their way.

The same people who report your Facebook posts and call Child Protective Services on you for supporting Republicans will be calling the Red Flag Tip Line to have you arrested and your guns confiscated.

Politicians want to disarm citizens, because they plan on doing things that would get them shot!

There are no other rights without the right to bear arms.

Countries with second amendment have occasional mass shootings.
Countries without have genocide.

You don't have to worry about high capacity magazine bans if you convert your weapon to belt fed.

We live in a society where a pizza arrives faster than the police and you want us to give up our guns?

The NRA doesn't sell arms.
You're thinking of Planned Parenthood.
(They also sell brain stems and other parts of babies.)

If you think for one second I'm gonna surrender my guns to a government that doesn't think twice about slaughtering helpless babies ... you've absolutely lost your damn mind!

Our citizens have concealed weapons. If you kill someone we might kill you back. We have one jail and 356 cemeteries.
Enjoy your stay.
- sign in Georgia

Statistics say people who shoot back live longer.

I saw a movie once where only the police and military had guns.
It was called Schindler's List.

No politician who supports gun control should get armed protection paid for by those they are trying to disarm.

Deaths per 100,000
guns: 10.3
Prius: 14.5
Demand a plan to end Prius deaths!

A gun is like a parachute.
If you need one but don't have it, you'll probably never need one again.

Ask a Cambodian about gun control.
If you find one that survived the Khmer Rough Regime!

The FBI is exposed as trying to overthrow a president and you want us to give up our guns?
I don't think so.

Have you ever wondered why the right to bear arms was so high on the Bill of Rights?
It wasn't an accident!

An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it.

Laws do not stop evil men.
Good men with guns stop evil men.

You're more likely to be killed by the people regulating guns than your neighbor who likes to shoot soda cans with his bump stock.

It's a proven fact that criminals commit less cries after they've been shot.

I absolutely refuse to debate gun control with people who eat soap and are confused by which bathroom to use.

Teach your daughter to shoot ... because a restraining order is just a piece of paper.

Evil does not exist within a gun. It exists in the minds and hearts of those who pull the trigger for evil purposes.

You may not like guns. That is your right. You may not believe in God. That is your choice. But if someone breaks into your home, the first two things you are going to do are...
1. Call someone with a gun
2. Pray they get there in time

Do not call us guns. We self-identify as handheld wireless peacekeeping devices. You must accept us a such or you are a racist bigot.

If they come for your guns, give'em your bullets first.

Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.

With all this "gun control" talk, I haven't heard one politician say how they plan to take guns from criminals, just law abiding citizens.

The three B's
Beer, BBQ and Bullets.

Chicago: Americ'a largest outdoor shooting range.

Deranged leftists (are there any other kind) claim that the second amendment only applies to single shot flintlock guns!
And then claim that the 3d printed gun that only fires one bullet is a threat to the free world.

Jayne Austen Book and Gun Club
Pride and Extreme Prejudice.

I will agree with Gun Free Zones as soon as the Democrats invent Crime Free Zones.

I am an American.
I have the right to bear arms.
Your approval is NOT required

Have you ever noticed no matter how many people get shot in Chicago we never hear what kind of gun was used.

National Rifle Association:
The only organization in America that gets blamed for actions none of its members commit.

It's interesting that no one is against armed guards at banks to protect money ...
yet so many are against armed guards at schools to protect children.

What if the reason for school shootings is the crazy liberal crap being taught there?

What's the difference between a gun owner and an illegal alien?
Democrats think illegal aliens have rights.

Democrats are afraid of honest Americans owning rifles but not of Iranians with nuclear weapons.

Democrats don't think Americans have the right to own a high powered rifle but they don't care that President Obama gave those same rifles to Mexican drug gangs.

You see, Timmy, the reason that you can't have armed police in the school, is because the Democrats want you to die in a school shooting, so that they can take away everyone's guns.

Liberals want to raise the age for buying a gun to 21
but lower the age to change their gender to 4.

History will not look kindly upon those elected officials who failed to act in the face of repeated mass murders of our children. Spare us your thougts and prayers and do your jobs.
- Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings
(idiot who wants to ban guns, but doesn't want to place armed guards in schools)
It's illegal to bring a firearm onto school grounds.
It's illegal to saw the barrel off a shotgun.
It's illegal to for a 17 year old to posses a gun.
It's illegal to to carry without a permit in Texas.
It's illegal to to discharge a weapon in public.
It's illegal to to ring ammo on school grounds.
It's illegal to shoot and injure people.
It's illegal to to assault someone.
It's illegal to violate someone's civil rights.
It's illegal to to shoot and murder people.
It's illegal to to conceal your weapon without a permit.
But yeah, we just need one more law. That'll do it.

Ban idiots, not guns.

If you want "reasonable" limits on my gun ownership then I want "reasonable" limits on your free speech!

Demand sanctuary city status for gun ownership!

The Brits gave up their guns and now their government puts them in jail for facebook posts.

The founders were NOT concerned with specific types of weapons, they were concerned with specific types of governments.

What kind of animal needs an assault rifle to kill it?
Rapists, gang bangers, murderers, home invaders, thieves, drug dealers, mugggers, tyrants.

Gun owners need to "compromise?"
1934 National Firearms Act
1968 The Gun Control Act
1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act
1993 Brady Handgun ViAct
1994 "Assault Weapons" Ban
1995 Gun Free School Zones Act
We have compromised ENOUGH!
No more infringements!

If you think a theater filled with unarmed people against a lone gunman is scary, imagine a disarmed populace against a tyrannical government.

NEVER trust any government that doesn't trust its citizens with guns.
If you want gun control so bad,
why don't you just move to the south side of Chicago?

Being shot at doesn't make children gun experts any more than eating tide pods makes them a washing machine!

Liberals don't know the difference between:
auto vs. semi-auto
clips vs magazines
priviledges vs rights
Tide Pods vs food
Democracy vs Republic
The patriot is not your enemy!
Your ignorance is your enemy!

If the best argument you have for banning guns is David Hogg-wash, then you have you have no argument at all.

Gun Control (Star Wars version):
Aldereaan (weapons free zone) blown up by Death Star.
Yavin (armed and ready) defended itself with guns, NOT blown up.

Gun store goes into lockdown over report an "active university professor" roving the grounds
- The People's Cube

If you're suggesting sending men with "weapons of war" to take my "weapons of war," then I'm fairly certain that's what's called an act of war ... and the definition of tyranny .... which coincidentally is the reason for the second amendment in the first place.

I march for facts.
- 2/3s of all gun deaths are due to suicide, while only 1% are due to mass shootings.
- 0% of all mass shootings were done by a NRA member.
- 98% of all mass shootings occur in gun free zones.
- Australia's gun ban had no effect on its gun homocide rate.
- 68% of Americans feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed.
- Since 2007, the percent of women who possess a concealed handgun permit has risen by 270%.
- Fatal firearm accidents account for less than 0.4% of total fatal accidents.
- In the states that adopted concealed carry, murders dropped 8.5%, rapes dropped 5%, aggravated assaults dropped 7%, and robberies dropped 3%.

The Second Amendment:
Making more women equal than the entire feminist movement.

Last week, eating Tide Pods.
This week, gun experts.

REAL Common Sense Gun Control:
Treat all weapons as if loaded.
Keep muzzle aimed downrange.
Trigger finger on the receiver until target is in sights.
Apply even trigger pressure with last digit of trigger finger when firing.
Clean weapon after every use.

I support common sense gun laws
Legalize all guns.

I Will Stop At Nothing To Take Away Your Constitutional Rights-Whoa Bro, Why Are You Attacking Me, I’m Just A Kid!

Legal gun owners have over 200 million guns ... and 12 trillion rounds of ammo.
Seriously people ... if we were a problem ... you'd know about it.

If more sane people were armed, then crazy people would get off fewer shots.

I'm so sorry for what happened in Florida High School ... but there is no way I'm letting the generation that was eating Tide Pods just the week before tell us what we need to do about gun control.

Hey NRA, stop killing our kids!
That's our job!
Sincerely, Planned Parenthood.

It's not mass murder, if you use a vacuum instead of an AR-15
- Planned Parenthood.

Did you hear about the Maryland school shooting:
School cop killed the shooter. So no CNN, no vigil, no student parades.

Gun argument:
Give me one reason you need an AR-15.
Give me one reason why what I own is any of your fucking business!

Just a reminder:
The guy who let thousands of automatic weapons fall into the hands of drug lords ...
The guy who let thousands of military weapons fall into the hands of Islamic terrorist extremists ...
The guy who stood back and let Iran and North Korea work on getting their hands on nucear weapons ..
Will now be lecturing you on the importance of responsible gun control.

A friend asked me after seeing the gun control advocates march.
What kind of retard marches to demand their rights be taken away.

Protecting you from criminals and government since 1776.

I don't always stand down and let innocents die.
But when I do, I blame the NRA.
Stay ignorant my friends.

Why do you need an assault rifle?
In case the Broward Coward's office responds while I'm under attack.

When a Democrat tried to kill a bunch of Republican Congressional softball players with a rifle, not one Democrat called for gun control.

This just in.
The state of California just passed a law banning itself because lawmakers believe it looks too much like a high capacity magazine.

If we arm school personnel, will the librarians get silencers?

War on Guns / War on Drugs:
If we make guns illegal, then nobody will get shot any more.
That's how we stopped everybody from doing drugs.

Why does the government want to ban semi-automatic rifles?
Because they know you won't get into the boxcars willingly.

Sorry, but I don't listen to anti-gun lectures from people who think it's ok to kill a baby.

End gun violence.
Bring back the sword.

Nobody needs an AR15?
Nobody needs a whiny little bitch either, yet here you are.

Q: If conservatives trust God, why do they need so many guns?
A: Because they don't trust Democrats.

Gun Free Zone
Translation: It means this building is a soft target where law-abiding people can't protect themselves from the violent intentions of others.

If I have 7 guns and the government takes 7, how many do I have left?
26 ... I have 26 left; I lied about the 7.

Don't like guns?
Don't buy one, but don't call the cops. They have guns.

If you cannot see the irony in having a gun ban enforced by men with guns, then you fail to understand why the second amendment was written in the first place.

Sign in gun store:
We don't sell guns to terrorists or Democrats!
It's too hard to tell the difference!

So a Liberal and a Conservative are talking. The Conservative talks about how he owns a Glock, and how much fun it is to shoot it.
The liberal says, "Ugh, guns kill, don't you know that."
The conservative pulls it out and puts it on the table and says: "Go on gun, kill, don't be shy, kill someone."

If these fancy politicans treat the people this poorly when you're armed to the teeth, just imagine what they'll be willing to do once they've taken away all your guns.

The numbers gunned down in Las Vegas this last weekend equal those killed every weekend in Chicago and Detroit. Why isn't Jimmy Kimmel crying for them?

Legal gun owners have 400 million guns and 24 trillon rounds of ammunition. If we were a problem, you would know already.

You call it armed robbery.
I call it people giving me gifts to celebrate my new gun.

Average number of people killed in mass shootings when stopped by police: 18.25
Average number of people killed in mass shootings when stopped by civilians: 2.2
Save lives. Keep civilians armed.

If evil has a gun ... I want one too.

Attention Burglers
Please carry ID so we can notify your next of kin.

Sign seen on front lawn.
My next door neighbor wants to ban all guns!
Their house is NOT armed!
Out of respect for their opinions I promise NOT to use my guns to protect them!

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Hollowpoints Expand on Impact

Bad News Travels Fast: 2,970 Feet Per Second To Be Exact

Gun Free Zones are safe spaces for killers.

Gun Free Zones are where you go when you want to die.

Criminals obey gun laws like politicians follow their oaths of office.
- Tactical Firearms

Guns are cheap compared to Obamacare and have better coverage.
- Tactical Firearms

Gun Control Supporters: all agree that gun control works. Without gun control, they wouldn't be able to slaughter millions.
Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Qaddafi, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il, Barack Hussein Obama

Faced with mass murder in class, teachers are told to throw a book at a killer.
We don't have to be physics majors to know: lead projectiles (from guns) would work much better.
How many more must die before self-defense becomes legal?

The original purpose of gun control:
to protect the Klansmen from their victims.
Gun control is racist.

Guns only have two enemies: rust and politicians.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

It's a proven fact that criminals commit less crime after they've been shot.

Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.

A Smith & Wesson beats four aces.

The original point-and-click interface was a Smith & Wesson.

I'd rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6.

God created man, but Colonel Colt made them equal.

Don't think of it as "gun control", think of it as "victim disarmament".

"Gun control" is a job-safety program for criminals.

911 can send crime-stoppers at 80 mph. A gun at 800 mph.
Which would stop an intruder in time to save a life?

911 - government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.

When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
If guns cause crime, then cars make people drive drunk.
If guns cause crime, then spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat.
If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
Prevent forest fires, register matches.

A man with a gun is a citizen. A man without a gun is a subject.

Ted Kennedy's Car Has Killed More People Than My Gun.

The real definition of "Gun Control" is that your bullet hits the spot you are aiming for.

Cops arrive in time to draw chalk outlines.
It's up to you to make sure the outline isn't around your body.

Gun owners are compensating for something.
Like being smaller and weaker than most violent criminals.

In 1866, anyone could buy a gun for self-defense.
In 2006, New Yorkers without political connections can't buy even an antique.
Freedom has left the building.

The irony of gun control is that it makes people who never planned to own arms get them, just in case of a future ban.
Like any other witch-hunting, it preys on the law-abiding.

Last century over 100 million were murdered by their own government.
It is your right and duty to be armed to guard against government tyranny and opression.

If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand.

I would try and explain "shall not be infringed"
but I don't speak dipshit and don't have any crayons.

64,999,987 firearm owners killed no one yesterday.

Know guns, know peace and safety
No guns, no peace nor safety

You don't shoot to kill; You shoot to stay alive.

The American Revolution would never have happened with Gun Control.

recently posted on gab
"...mentally ill person who cannot make rational decisions wants to buy a gun, you're OK with that?"
"Yes. Democrats may own guns too."

recently posted on gab
If you think I need a license to carry a gun, then maybe we should work on your license to speak.

recently posted on gab
People who oppose a registry for people entering this country are perfectly willing to have a registry for American citizens who possess guns.


I was considering reselling my guns to the government but after a quick background check discovered they have a history of violence and instability.
- Kevin Sorbo

Stop calling it "gun control," it's civilian disarmament.
- Kevin Sorbo

If you don’t see the irony of a gun ban being enforced by men with guns, then you fail to understand why the 2nd amendment was written in the first place.
- Kevin Sorbo

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.
- Adolph Hitler, April 11, 1942

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
- Mao Zedong

You can do more with a kind word and a gun than with just a kind word.
- Al Capone

There exists a law inborn in our hearts that if our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies, any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.
- Cicero

The advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, forms a barrier against the enterprise of ambition. Kingdoms of Europe are afraid to trust the people with arms.
- James Madison

The great object is that every man be armed.
- Patrick Henry

False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it... The Laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.
- Cesare Becarria, the Italian criminologist greatly admired by Thomas Jefferson

To disarm people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.
- George Mason

The supposed quietude of a good man allures the roughian... while, on the other hand, arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe and preserve order.
- Thomas Paine

Participating in a gun buyback program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.
- Clint Eastwood

Don't have a gun? Buy one.
Don't know how to use it? Learn.
Don't believe in guns? Get ready to hide behind someone who does.
- Charlie Daniels

If guns kill people, why do we send people with guns when they go to war? Why not just send the guns.
- Ozzy Osbourne

The Violence First theory states that, if someone tells you don't need a weapon, you should beat them to a pulp. If they complain, remind them of their myth that violence never settles anything, and beat them again. If they attempt to resist, THEN present a weapon and point out that you're still dominant, because you have a monopoly on violence. There is no such thing as a "legitimate" monopoly on force. There is parity, and there is subjugation.
- Michael Z. Williamson

The Second Amendment is not a suggestion.
The Second Amendment is not outdated.
The Second Amendment is not for hunting.
The Second Amendment is for self defense against a tyrannical government.
- Cliff Maloney, JR.

Unless you’re a murderer, handing in your guns to stop murder is like chopping off your dick to end rape. If you aren’t a rapist, cutting off your dick is pointless.
- Owen Benjamin

Nobody should own a gun if they have a criminal record, a psychiatric record or a Barbara Streisand record.
- Evan Sayet

When any nation mistrusts its citizens with guns, it is sending a clear message.
It no longer trusts its citizens because such a government has evil plans.
- George Washington

Let's be clear: there is a difference between the NRA and gun owners. Many gun owners want common sense efforts to end gun violence.
- Nancy Pelosi
Let's be clear: more known Democrats have murdered people with guns than all NRA members combined.
- James Woods

Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.
- Mohandas Gandhi, An Autobiography, pg 446

If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.
- The Dalai Lama

Americans have the will to resist because you have weapons. If you don't have a gun, freedom of speech has no power.
- Yoshimi Ishikawa, Japanese author, in the LA Times 15 Oct 1992

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
- Thomas Jefferson

You won't get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There's only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you don't actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time. It's a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun controllers. I happen to know this from personal experience.
- Ronald Reagan

The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave.
- James Burgh

One thing about a police state, you can always find the police.
- L. Neil Smith

People who object to weapons aren't abolishing violence, they're begging for rule by brute force, when the biggest, strongest animals among men were always automatically "right". Guns ended that, and social democracy is a hollow farce without an armed populace to make it work.
- L. Neil Smith

Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.
- L. Neil Smith

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.
- Robert A. Heinlein

An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.
- Robert A. Heinlein, "Beyond This Horizon", 1942

A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.
- Sigmund Freud

When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state".
- Claire Wolfe, "101 Things To Do Until The Revolution"

The right to buy weapons is the right to be free.
- A.E. Van Vogt, "The Weapon Shops Of Isher", ASF December 1942

Taking my gun away because I might shoot someone is like cutting my tongue out because I might yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
- Peter Venetoklis

The Constitution shall never be construed ... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.
- Samuel Adams

Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense?
- Patrick Henry

The great object is that every man be armed.
- Patrick Henry

I don't like the idea that the police department seems bent on keeping a pool of unarmed victims available for the predations of the criminal class.
- David Mohler, 1989, on being denied a carry permit in NYC

The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose.
- James Earl Jones

Strict gun laws are about as effective as strict drug laws... It pains me to say this, but the NRA seems to be right: The cities and states that have the toughest gun laws have the most murder and mayhem.
- Mike Royko, Chicago Tribune

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin

You know why there's a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one.
- Rush Limbaugh, August 17, 1993

There are hundreds of millions of gun owners in this country, and not one of them will have an accident today. The only misuse of guns comes in environments where there are drugs, alcohol, bad parents, and undisciplined children. Period.
- Ted Nugent

If guns cause crime, all of mine are defective.
- Ted Nugent

Gun Control: The ability to put two bullets through the same hole.
- Ted Nugent

- A woman recently posted on facebook
As a woman, I hope some day I have as many rights as a gun does.

- response
So let me get this straight.
You want to be banned from polling places on the day of an election,
banned from being able to enter government buildings,
prohibited on school grounds,
not allowed in a business if an owner doesn’t like what you are,
put in a locked cage (safe) when you aren’t being used,
not allowed in the passenger cabin of an airplane,
and be the topic of a never ending National debate about how dangerous you are to the public and innocent people?

Did I understand that correctly?

In favor of gun control?

Then you're also in favor of:

It's a package deal.

I was once asked by a lady visiting if I had a gun in the house. I said "I did".

She said "Well I certainly hope it isn't loaded!"

To which I said, "of course it is loaded, can't work without bullets!"

She then asked, "Are you that afraid of someone evil coming into your house?"

My reply was, "No not at all. I am not afraid of the house catching fire either, but I have fire extinguishers around, and they are all loaded too."

To which I'll add, "having a gun in the house that isn't loaded is like having a car in the garage without gas in the tank".

A State Trooper pulls over an old lady. During the stop he asks her, "Mam, any weapons in the car?"

She said "I have a .38 in my purse, a 9mm in the glove box, and a .357 under the seat."

The Trooper asked, "Wow, well what are you scared of Mam?"

The lady replied, "Absolutely NOTHING!"

Everyday, you pass complete strangers at 65mph, in 3,000 pound speeding hunks of steel and aluminum, with little more than 2 yellow lines of paint separating you from instant, violent death ...

... but a stranger carring a gun on their hip in a grocery store is what makes you nervous?

My old grandpa said to me ‘Son, there comes a time in every man’s life when he stops bustin’ knuckles and starts bustin’ caps and usually it’s when he becomes too old to take an ass whoopin’.

I don’t carry a gun to kill people.
I carry a gun to keep from being killed.

I don’t carry a gun to scare people.
I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m paranoid.
I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m evil.
I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world.

I don’t carry a gun because I hate the government.
I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m angry.
I carry a gun so that I don’t have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.

I don’t carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.
I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m a cowboy.
I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a cowboy.

I don’t carry a gun to make me feel like a man.
I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.

I don’t carry a gun because I feel inadequate.
I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.

I don’t carry a gun because I love it.
I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

Police Protection is an oxymoron.
Free citizens must protect themselves.
Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.

Personally, I carry a gun because I’m too young to die and too old to take an ass whoopin’.

author unknown

Liberal Interpretation of the Second Amendment.

I own a musket and other ancient technology for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended.

I hear a crash as four ruffians break into my house.

"What the devil?" I say as I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle.

As they approach I blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot.

The other three men scream death threats and rush at me since it takes minutes to reload black powder weapons.

I fire my pistol at the second man and miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbor's dog.

I run up the stairs as my only other self defense weapon is the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot.

"Tally ho lads." The grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms.

I affix the bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion.

He bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up.

I prepare tea for the constabulary.

Home self defense just as the founding fathers intended.

In 1865 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.
In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States who later died from the wound.
In 1963 a radical left wing Democrat socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States.
In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States.
In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the United States.
In 1984 James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.
In 1986 Patrick Sherrill,a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.
In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.
In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby's cafeteria in Killeen, TX.
In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.
In 1999 Larry Ashbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.
In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US.
In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.
In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung-Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people at Virginia Tech.
In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school in Newtown, CT.
As recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat named Aaron Alexis shot 12 at the Washington Navy Shipyard in Washington, D.C.


– Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Reg­istered Democrat and Muslim.
– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
– James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occu­py guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.
– Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
– Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat
– James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.

Not one NRA member, Tea Party member, or Republican conservative was involved in any of these shootings and murders. Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns.

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