Microsoft's Secret Business Plan

Most software comes in three types: freeware, shareware, and payware. Microsoft has only two: vapourware and bugware.

Microsoft has three types of products:
Vapourware -- what they promise
Bugware -- what they deliver,
Scamware -- expensive classes covering the information excluded from the official documentation, with the goal of rendering the purchaser/user certifiable.

At least Microsoft is "investing" in one of its R&D groups*. Intel continues to have the industry at large perform QA on their chips, while charging for those same parts.

[Editor's Note: (*) The "R&D group" in which Microsoft is investing is based in Cupertino, California. In a deal between Steve Jobs (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Microsoft) and Bill Gates (a wholly- owned subsidiary of Lucifer Investment Partners, Ltd.), Microsoft invested roughly $150 million in the Cupertino R&D group. Note that this is the same group that brought you the Windows(tMS) interface. Okay, I'll stop now. ;-) </vs>]

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