Strategic Planning

One morning, at his daily poll briefing, Barack Hussein Obama was ranting at his staff of minions and henchmen that while his popularity ratings seem to be going up, his approval ratings seem to be going down.

After calming down a bit, he asked his staff of sycophants, to come up with a solution to this problem. He suggested that the staff think about how his good friends and fellow leaders (like: Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro, Moammar Kadafi, ...) and favorite groups (like: Taliban, P.L.O, Communists, terrorists, ...) would handle this situation.

Later that week, Barack Hussein Obama overheard a couple of generals in the Pentagon discussing a possible solution that would require killing millions of Catholics and a few Muslims. Barack Hussein Obama got very upset at this and screamed at the generals that no solution was acceptable if it caused the death of any Muslins.

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