Media Narrative Chart
for reporting violent crime

 non-white  white  gun control, pretend killer is white, poverty
 white  non-white  gun control, racism, flags
 non-white  non-white  run story about Kardashians instead
 police officer  non-white  police brutality
 non-white  police officer  justified reaction to brutality
 male  female  gun control, sexism
 female  male  justified reaction to sexism
 female  female  run story about Kardashians instead
 female  fraternity  fraternity control / ban
 non-Muslim  Muslim  Islamophobia
 Muslim  Christian  talk about crusades, justified reaction to Islamophobia
 Muslim  Jew  justified reaction to Islamophobia
 Muslim  Israeli  justified reaction to Islamophobia
 Muslim  female  run story about Kardashians instead
 Muslim  gay  run story about Kardashians instead
 Muslim  Muslim  run story about Kardashians instead
 Muslim  artist  art control / censorship
 Israeli  Muslim  Israel control / ban
 Muslim  Israeli  Israel control / ban
 Muslim  any Jew  Jew control / ban
 atheist  Christian  gun control, religious intolerance
 anyone in Detroit or Chicago  anyone in Detroit or Chicago  run story about Kardashians instead
 illegal alien  white  pretend killer is white, run story about Kardashians instead

Remember, no matter how high the death toll, you can't use the word terrorist.

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