Communism / Socialism:

How To Create A Socialist State, by Saul Alinsky:<
There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist state. The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
- Saul Alinksy

Karl Marx
Never ran a company.
Never held political office.
Never oversaw any accounts.
Never even held a job - any job.
Supported throughout his life by his friend Friedrich Engels, the son of a wealthy factory owner.
Considered by many to be the greatest social, political and economic philosopher of all time.
All applications of his theories have ended in mass murder.

Astronaut Yuri Gargarin didn't drink, didn't smoke and trained all his life in order to spend 108 minutes outside the USSR.

Last year marked 200 years since Karl Marx was born.
Here is a list of the top 5 nations where his ideas brought prosperity:

Instead of looking for systemic racism, we should be looking for systemic Marxism.

If socialism is so good and capitalism is so bad ...
... then why isn't the caravan heading to Venezuela?

Definition of a scialist:
Someone who wants everything you have, except your job.

Jesus wasn't a socialist because the record clearly shows that he did feed the people.

The "F" in communism stands for food.

With capitalism you either work or starve.
With socialism you work and starve.

Communism and vacuum cleaners both suck, but only one of them works.

 If they are a   Then they plan to   And you must 
 Communist   steal your property   throw them from a helicopter 
 Communitarian   steal your property   throw them from a helicopter 
 Socialist   steal your property   throw them from a helicopter 
 Equalitarian   steal your property   throw them from a helicopter 
 Leftist   steal your property   throw them from a helicopter 
 Green   steal your property   throw them from a helicopter 
 Progressive   steal your property   throw them from a helicopter 
 Laborist   steal your property   throw them from a helicopter 
 Liberal   steal your property   throw them from a helicopter 
 Democraat   steal your property   throw them from a helicopter 

They started out as Marxists..
Then Communists
Then Socialists.
Then Liberals.
Then Progressives.
Then Social Democrats.
Same game, different names.
They change the name as people catch on.

Innoculate your kids against socialism by having them clean the bathroom.
Pay them $10. Then take away $7 and give it to their sibling who didn't help.
Socialism won't seem so attractive then.

At the May Day Parade in Moscow there was the usual long parade of missiles, tanks, armored cars, personnel carriers, and the like, and then right at the end an open truck with three middle-aged men in baggy suits.
One of the Senior Communists on the podium turned to the minister of defense and asked, "Who on earth are they?"
The minister replied, "Ah, they are the economists from the central-planning bureau. You have no idea how much destructive capacity they possess."

If we can't all be rich, let's be equally poor*.
*Except for our rulers, they still get rich.

Socialism For Dummies:
Everything is free ... but we're all out of it.

A Chukcha is a person that belongs to a tribe in north-east Siberia who are similar to Eskimos. The Russians like to make jokes about them.
A Chukcha returns home from Moscow to great excitement and interest.
"What is socialism like?" asks someone.
"Oh," begins the Chukcha in awe, "There, everything is for the betterment of Man. I even saw that Man himself!"

A Communist died and since he was a honest man albeit atheist, he was sentenced to rotate spending one year in Hell and one year in Heaven. One year passed and Satan said to God: "Take this man as fast as possible, because he turned all my young demons into Young Pioneers, I have to restore some order."
Another year passed, Satan meets God again and tells him: "Lord God, it's my turn now."
God replied: "First of all, don't call me Lord God, but instead Comrade God; second, there is no God; and one more thing - don't distract me or I'll be late to the Party meeting."

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.
- Norman Thomas, U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America

"Real Socialism" has never been tried in the same way that "Real Capitalism" has never been tried.
The difference is "almost Socialism" resulted in the impoverishment and death of hundreds of millions of people.
While "Almost Capitalism" has lifted billions from absolute poverty.
- Mark Kantro

The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money.
- Margaret Thatcher

Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.
- Thomas Sowell

What exactly is your 'fair share' of what 'someone else' worked for?
- Thomas Sowell

Communism: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.
- Henry Fairlie

A strong link has been found between supporting communism and never once having opened a history book.

If we ban pregnancy, socialism will thrive. There can be no inequality in an unpopulated world.
- Titania McGrath

We've never had true capitalism or true socialism, but flawed capitalism feeds people while flawed socialism starves them.

Leftists fear communism failing all the time is making communism look bad.

You ever notice how easy it is to be a communist in a free country but how hard it is to be free in a communist country?

If workers are entitled to the owner's profits ... shouldn't roofers and carpenters be entitled to your home?

You know you're in Havana and not Portland when they're waving American flags instead of burning them.

Democrats say a fetus is not a person because "it feeds off the host body."
By that reasoning socialists aren't people either!

Never ask a woman her age.
Never ask a man his salary.
Never ask a Leninist when the State will be abolished.

Liberal Logic:
Capitalism doesn't work because people are selfish and only care for thenselves.
Socialism works because people are altruistic and will work for the common good.

100 Years of Communist Party of China
Primary Achievements:
- killed more people than all other regimes in history put togther
- global pandemic

How Socialism works:
1) Seize the means of production.
2) Kill the bourgeoisie.
3) Starve to death.
4) Try socialism again somewhere else.
Repeat until successful.

Sure we can talk about how socialism could work.
But first we have to go to the land of make believe.

Time is absolute - Isaac Newton
Time is relative - Albert Einstein
Time was invented by clock companies to sell more clocks - Karl Marx

The difference between Nazism and Communism is when you say how horrible Nazis have been, they don't respond with, "Well real Nazism has never been tried."

If I had a dollar for every time socialism worked, I'd have $0.00.

College Professor Logic
 Nazi kills 11 million people  worst thing ever
 communists kills over 20 million people  so his system needs some work ....

Venezuela timeline
1992 Became 3rd richest country in Hemisphere
1997 Became 2nd largest purchaser of F-150
2001 Voted for Socialist president "Income Inequality"
2004 Private healthcare is completely socialized
2007 All higher education becomes "free"
2009 Socialist banned private ownership of guns
2012 Bernie Sanders praises their "American Dream"
2014 Opposition Leaders are imprisoned
2016 Food/healthcare shortages become wide spread
2017 Constitution and elections are suspended
2019 Unarmed citizens massacred by own government
It took only one generation of progressive leadership to plunge this country into civil war

60 years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index. Today they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 years, Venezuela was destroyed by democrat socialism.

In Venezuela, protesters are in the streets resisting socialism.
In America, liberals are in the streets demanding socialism.

Curing Students of Marxism.
1. Tell them their individual marks will be collected and shared, so everyone ends up with the same marks.
2. Watch the smart students quit the course.
3. End up with nothing to redistriburte.
4. Everyone left fails.
Marxism defeated by Marksism.
- StefanMolyneux

To say you have a claim to my property
is to say you have a claim to the labor I performed to obtain it
To say you have a claim to my labor
is to say that I am your slave.
This is why capitalists are so defensive of their property.

Here's an idea...
A reality show where socialist college students are sent to a country that closely resembles their desired political system and left to survive for a few months.

You claim to dislike communism, yet you vote for Democrats?

The Modern Socialist:
Takes an uber to the Starbucks where they post on social media from an iPhone to complain about capitalism.

The actors union would be a great place to try socialism. Instead of paying one actor $20 million, that money could be redistributed to provide hundreds of struggling actors a living wage.

We need socialism in the USA to help all those people coming across the borders to escape horrible socialist countries.

Socialism is the Axe Body Spray of political ideologies.
It never does what it claims to do, but people too young to know better keep buying it anyway.

Democratic Socialism:
Where everything is free ... except you.

Here's an idea ...
A reality show where socialist college students are sent to a country that closely resemble their desired political system and left to survive for a few months.

I hate communism and socialism even if they call it liberalism and progressivism.

Movie idea ...
It's Weekend At Bernie's ...
... but it's Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez pretending 100 million people aren't dead from Socialism.

If we're going to punish and ban people for saying really stupid things, why is it okay to say that socialism works?

The problem with socialism is you can vote your way into it, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Socialism making everyone equal, equally miserable.

A socialist is basically a communist that doesn't have the power to take everything from their citizens at gunpoint ... yet!

Socialist logic:
The virus can spread in churches-but not in liquor stores.
Beachgoers are a threat to public safety-but releasing criminals from prison isn't
Small businesses are expendable but government is essential.
Lockdown rules apply to citizens-but not the Political class and elites!

Because nothing says equality like being dirt poor.

Socialists who say we have an immoral government and propose more government as a solution are morons.

Socialism: An idea that is so good that it has to be mandatory.

Socialism is:
Bernie Sanders walks into a bar and yells, "Free drinks for everyone!" Looks around and asks, "Who's buying?"

If Democratic Socialism isn't socialism because it is voted on, then does that mean gang rape isn't rape because the majority of participants consent?

Castro had his own island, lived to be 90, and still couldn't make socialism work.

In 1967, Polish mercenary Rafal Ganowicz was asked, "What it felt like to take a human life?"
He replied, "I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed communists."

Q: What's socialism?
A: It's communism for slow learners.

Q: How many socialists leave America every year to escape capitalism?

Q: If socialism doesn't work, why do some people support it?
A: Because those people don't work, either.

Q: If communism doesn't work, why do so many people support it?
A: Because they don't work either.

Marxism: the opiate of the asses.

Watermelon Marxist: Green on the outside, red on the inside.

A lecturer visits the mental hospital and gives a lecture about how great communism is. Everybody claps loudly except for one person who keeps quiet.
The lecturer asks: "Why aren't you clapping?"
The person replies "I'm not a psycho, I work here."

American Democracy: One more candidate than Communism.

Millennials think socialism works and we're surprised they're now eating Tide pods?

Communism: Always one murder away from socialism.

Communism: The theory is great, comrade, but the famines are to die for.

Socialism will work this time.
The professor at my private liberal arts university said so.

Nearly every socialist experiment begins with the dream of an equal society and ends with people eating their pets.

Socialism works so well that people build boats from trash to escape it.

Socialism is so good that people climb 15 foot high walls and risk being shot to get away from it.

Socialized Medicine.
It may kill you, but at least it's free.
Unless you pay taxes - then it just kills you.

In order to not starve under capitalism I have to work, which is obviously unnatural and immoral.
This is why I prefer socialism, so I can work AND starve.

A Republican, Democrat and a Socialist lived in the same house. One day the house burned down. Why did only the Republican live?
He was the only one at work.

Welcome to the new America. Now called: The American Socialist States, or A.S.S. for short.

The defining characteristic of the American West was the struggle between the imposition of civilization's laws and those who desired to not live under those constraints. Once the frontier closed and there were no more hardy souls left to rebel against the restrictions being placed on what were perceived to be an individual's right to self-determination, democracy began its slow evolution towards socialism.

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